Birth Doula Testimonials

We are so lucky to have Mommy’s Way and we knew right away they were a perfect fit for us. Our Doula was kind, casual, easy going, personable, and friendly. She was also very passionate and experienced in attending and supporting births. She was very approachable, eager to help and available whenever we needed her. She provided us resources and helpful advice throughout the pregnancy. I am grateful we had a coach to help us each step of the way.
— Leah S.
When the doctor informed me that a C-section was necessary for my son’s health and well being our Doula helped to reassure me and remind me that I still had the right to follow the requests on the birth plan.
She also gave me some questions to ask the doctor to keep me fully informed and relaxed. I was overwhelmed...saddened...frightened for my son’s health, and she helped me calmly process all the emotions and helped me to be reassured and excited for the impending birth. After the C-section she helped to bring such joy and reassurance to the process. I cannot begin to articulate the amount of care, reassurance, and feeling of support that our doula has brought to us. She has gone out of her way on numerous occasions to find answers or seek advice if I have a concern. The knowledge, support, and genuine and sincere concern for our well-being that they had demonstrated is the most comforting thing to haveas a new mom. Our family could not be more thankful. Mommy’s Way has truly touched our lives and will always hold a special spot in our hearts.
— Amanda L.
On 5-5-15, our Doula came to our home where she helped me labor until she felt it was time for me to head to the hospital. She stayed by my side through each and every contraction. She knew my desire was to have a completely natural birth and she helped me achieve that. She made every effort to comfort me [and] helped me through the pushing stage which was very long and tiring. She made sure we were settled and baby had breastfed before she left that night. It made me feel so much better having her with me throughout my labor and delivery. It was a weight lifted off of me & my family to have someone experienced with births to assist me. She truly helped me get the birth I have always dreamed of having! Thank you Mommy’s Way for all you do! I would highly recommend them as a birth doula!
— Crystal R.
Our Doula through Mommy’s Way, kept in contact with Crystal by phone during [early labor]. Throughout the night and early morning they kept in contact with Crystal letting her know she would come as soon as Crystal felt she needed her support. Crystal have them come to our home. Our Doula arrived, began coaching Crystal through her contractions and finding ways to comfort her. She helped her as she labored in the tub. She stayed by Crystals side, keeping her hydrated by feeding ice chips, wiping her face with cold damp rags, rubbing her back, helped coach her through pushing and keeping her as comfortable as possible. She took pictures of the birth as well. She stayed until after Crystal was placed in our new room, making sure baby and her were doing good before she left. Our Doula was by Crystal’s side every single step of the way!
— Mike R.
One of my best friends, Carrie, was about to become a first-time mom, and she was doing it on her own. I told her I would be honored to be her birth partner. Since neither of us had had a child before and were both nervous. As a single mom, she needed a doula who was willing to generously offer her services for free. The first doula Carrie chose cancelled mere weeks before her due date (due to an out-of-state family situation). To our everlasting gratitude, Mommy’s Way swooped in to the rescue! The first time I met our doula was at the hospital on the day Carrie was being induced...and she came prepared with everything we could need. She intuited when to step forward and offer Carrie advice and encouragement, and when to step back and let Carrie handle the experience as she wanted to. She... was very knowledgeable about everything that was happening... advised me how to gather the necessary information that would help Carrie make the best decision for herself and her baby. Our doula’s constant and comforting presence in the L&D room allowed me to take a couple of much-needed breather. She played an essential role in Carrie’s labor and delivery [and] has also followed up with us in the weeks since. Our doula’s skilled, calm, and reassuring presence was truly a gift for these first-timers! I wholeheartedly recommend Mommy’s Way.
— Denise P.
Our doula at Mommy’s Way was there to help when I had my tiny fella. Being a single mama from the get go, it was important to me to have as much back up in my corner as possible!
— Carrie C.